Please note that ARDL’S AGM will be held on Thursday, 7th April 2022 at 5.30pm by Zoom. Any fully paid up ARDL member may attend the AGM.
AGM Business
The meeting will include consideration of the Association’s Annual Report and audited accounts.
Notice of any Resolution to be proposed at the AGM must be submitted to the Secretary in writing at least 14 days before the meeting date and will be circulated to all members 7 days in advance of the meeting.
Committee elections
An election for a number of places on ARDL’s Committee will be held. There are 5 elected positions available. Only ARDL Members present at the Zoom meeting are entitled to vote in the election, and those individuals will be invited during the meeting to vote. Please note there is no proxy voting. Only current members can vote and stand and nominate so please ensure your membership is up to date.
A member seeking election to the ARDL Committee requires five nominations, each one must be from an ARDL member and two must work for a different organisation than the nominee. Nominees should send the attached Nomination form duly completed to: by midnight on 24th March 2022. We appreciate the practical difficulties in getting proposers to sign forms at present and therefore an email from the work email address of a proposer which is either sent or copied to the ARDL email address will suffice.
Candidates for election to the Committee are also requested to submit by 24th March 2022 a written profile about themselves of not more than 100 words, setting out the experience and skills they would be able to bring to the Committee. The first 100 words of the profiles of candidates will be circulated to those present at the AGM. Profiles should be sent to the ARDL email address.
If you will be attending the meeting, would you kindly inform us on in order that we can forward the following documents to you:
- Zoom meeting link
- Profiles of those standing for election to the Committee
- Details of how to vote will be circulated at the meeting.