The seminar will consider abuse of process arguments before the regulators and will focus on one particular case in which our speaker was involved.
Speaker: Marios Lambis KC, 2 Hare Court
Marios Lambis began his career at the criminal bar in the Chambers of Sir Desmond de Silva QC where he undertook serious criminal defence work ranging from murders to terrorist offences such the funding of Al-Qaeda and the Iraqi Hijacking trial – then only the second hijacking trial in Britain.
However, for the last 20 years his practice has been almost exclusively in the area of regulatory and professional discipline. He has advised and appeared before most regulators on both sides. Historically, when he prosecuted for the GMC, he also assisted in training FTP Chairs on how to conduct hearings and what they should be attune to.
He has lectured or presented seminars before regulators, indemnifiers, solicitors and of course ARDL.
Since 2007 he has also been a Recorder of the Crown Court with a licence to try both Serious Sexual Offences and Appeals.
Chair: Stewart Duffy, Weightmans
Stewart is a legal director at Weightmans, having previously been at RadcliffesLeBrasseur. His practice covers professional and systems regulation, including data protection. His clients include defence organisations and regulators as well as providers, NHS Trust’s and other public sector organisations.