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ARDL runs events throughout the year in London, Manchester and Edinburgh.
The main events are seminars, Junior ARDL events, the AGM, the ARDL Dinner and the ARDL Annual Conference.
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Private life and public confidence: a healthcare professional regulation case study

Time: 18:00 - 19:30
Venue: Webinar via Zoom

Speaker: Clare Strickland, Blake Morgan

Where a healthcare professional presents a risk of harm to people that healthcare professionals interact with in their professional life, public confidence demands that the regulator takes action to prevent it, where they can. Allowing an unsafe professional to continue to practice if the regulator has the power and ability to prevent it would plainly undermine public confidence, as well as meaning that the regulator was failing to meet their over-arching objective to protect the public.

But what should the regulator do when a healthcare professional is accused of a serious criminal offence which is completely unrelated to their professional practice? In this seminar, we will explore the policy considerations and practical issues that may arise by way of a case study.