An exciting opportunity has arisen to join the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries’ (IFoA’s) Disciplinary Committee, which oversees the management and operation of the IFoA’s Disciplinary Scheme. We are seeking to appoint someone with an interest and experience in professional regulation and disciplinary proceedings.
The successful candidate may be involved in discussion and decision making on the following;
- Overseeing the management and operation of the Scheme.
- Setting and monitoring time frames for investigations and proceedings.
- Considering feedback from stakeholders on the effectiveness of the operation of the disciplinary process and, where appropriate, taking steps to improve the process.
- Reviewing the effectiveness of the Scheme.
- Approving changes to the Scheme and making/varying regulations and guidance.
- Ensuring the Committee’s activities support the IFoA principles of diversity, equity and inclusion.
- How the introduction of the Audit Reporting and Governance Authority (ARGA), which will replace the Financial Reporting Council, may impact on the IFoA’s disciplinary processes.
This is a three year appointment, renewable for a further three years on a discretionary basis.
This role attracts an honorarium of £350 per day. Expenses incurred as part of the role are recoverable from the IFoA in line with the IFoA’s volunteer and travel expenses policy.
The Committee usually meets four times a year. Committee meetings are usually held virtually, with the option of one in person meeting each year.
The time commitment is approximately one half day per quarter for attendance at meetings plus approximately one day per quarter to deal with ad hoc matters and prepare for meetings. There might be occasional opportunities to join working parties and/or involvement in decisions in between meetings, but this would normally take place virtually.
Person Specification
The IFoA encourages applicants from a variety of backgrounds and experiences and welcomes diversity with regard not only to protected characteristics, but also diversity of thought.
Candidates are asked to provide demonstrable experience in as many of the following areas as possible;
• experience of professional regulation and/or discipline;
• excellent verbal communication skills, including proven ability to work effectively with others as part of a team;
• excellent written communication skills, including ability to review regulations, procedures and/or guidance;
• ability to reach sound, well founded decisions;
• experience of working with, or membership of, a Committee or Board; and
• an understanding of the role of actuaries.
Please note that following individuals cannot be appointed to the role;
• a member of the IFoA;
• a member of Council and/or the IFoA Board;
• anyone appointed under the Disciplinary Scheme;
• a senior employee or director of the Financial Reporting Council or someone appointed to a role directly related to the FRC enforcement function;
• an employee of the IFoA; or
• unless otherwise agreed by the Regulatory Appointments Committee, a person who has been the subject of a finding of misconduct by the FRC.
The full job description is available on
How to apply
To apply, please email providing the following information by the closing date of 28 February 2025:
• your CV and full contact details
• a cover letter (maximum 500 words) with a synopsis of your relevant background and experience, a note of your reasons for wishing to take on this role, and an overview of what you feel you could bring to this role.
A short list of candidates will be invited to a remote interview.